Saturday, December 24, 2011

Gabe's pics Nov-Dec 2011

Dec 2011
Nov 2011 (Grey Cup!)

Gabe's pics Aug-Oct 2011

Oct 2011

Sep 2011 (Orlando)

Kits Aug 2011 VPL

Gabriel Jan-Jun 2011

June 2011

May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
Feb 2011
Jan 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

22 Month Checkup

WEIGHT: 12.5 Kg
HEIGHt: 83.5 cm
HEAD: 49 cm

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Bells (for Bella)
Ong (Grandpa)
BaBa (Grandma)
WooWooWoo (police car siren)
GoGo (for Go Go Diego)
More Milk
Owwee (to indicated pain)
No No No (with index finger moving left-right to indicate disapproval)
Knows where to touch when he hears eyes, nose, ears, mouth, belly button, bum

All Teeth Have Arrived!

Christmas Photos

Monday, September 26, 2011

Born in the Year of the Oxen

Oxen are persistent – they do their tasks over and over again. They don’t slacken off or take short cuts.

The person born under this Chinese Zodiac Calendar sign believes hard work is required for success and that short cuts will not work according to Chinese astrology.

The Oxen animal is an outdoors animal like the horse.

The person born under this Chinese Zodiac Calendar sign prefers outside country areas to city apartments.

Oxen are strong animals – that is why they are used to pull heavy loads.

astrology chinese oxPeople born under this Chinese zodiac sign are strong – physically and or mentally.

Oxen are placid creatures – they just do their work over and over.

The person born under this Chinese Zodiac Calendar sign is easy going and dogmatic about their tasks. They just do it and ignore outside distractions.

They are not prone to temper tantrums if things do not go their way.

People born under this Chinese Zodiac sign are often leaders because of their hard working dependable determined nature.

They get to the top because they persist. And those Oxen animals are at the front pulling heavy loads.

So the person born in the Year of the Ox is at the front – leading and pulling other people along.

Friday, September 23, 2011

All 2nd Molars Have Cut Through!!!

All of a sudden, I noticed something white in the back left side of Gabriel's mouth while he was hysterically laughing with me last night. I reached in to pull the thing out as I feared it may get lodged in his throat. To my surprise, it was his left bottom second molar!!! Then Gabriel bit down on my finger... and again to my surprise, I could feel his top left second molar. I reached for his the right side of his mouth and discovered both the top and bottom right second molars!

He had a slight fever a couple of days ago but I thought he was just sick as he had a runny nose. I suppose his molars we cutting through. No excessive drooling, pulling of the ears, scratching of the cheeks, etc. The molars cut through with minimal irritation!

Congratulations baby Gabriel on your new teeth! Now just the first molars and Canine (cuspid) to go and then you will have a mouth full of teeth!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Words by Gabriel Aleong








Tickle Tickle Tok

Responds, "huh?" when you call his name.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sisterly Love

It is amazing to watch Isabella interact with Gabriel. They simply adore each other.

Yes, that is a headband with a bow on his head... yes, Isabella put the headband on his head... yes, he seems to be enjoying himself with the headband.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Too Smart

Gabriel wanted some water so he got a plastic cup at the water cooler and gave it to me. I was on the computer so he grabbed my hand and shoved the cup into my hand. He walked over to the water cooler and said "Eh". I walked over to the water cooler and put some water in the cup. He had a BIG sip and was content after that.

Green Hornet?

Gabriel is having fun!!

Gabriel in the sink checking out the toothbrushes

Gabriel and some more photos at home

Gabriel pushing Bella's baby stroller!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mommy's Little Man

Dear Gabriel,

Our first year together has been full of adventure, discoveries and love. Mommy had so much fun staying at home with you and your sister. We laughed, cried, screamed and even made many funny faces together. In your first year, you have travelled to Toronto, California and Trinidad.

You are a busy baby. You are curious and like to get into EVERY cupboard and open EVERY drawer and stick your finger in anything and everything (outlets, vacumm systems, toilets, and even your sister's belly button). I run around the whole day fixing up and cleaning along the path of your destruction. You enjoy throwing things on the floor and then picking them up and throwing them on the floor again. You no longer let your sister take your stuff from you. You will scream and hold on as tight as possible (as a result, you have lost your balance while holding onto a toy while your sister tried to pull it from you).

Since you were born, you have always been strong and silent. You spoke when you needed to be heard but remained quiet otherwise. You are always smiling. I would look at you and as soon as our eyes would meet, you would give me a BIG smile and hide your face. You have learned that if you don't straighten your limbs when Mommy puts you on the floor, you would collapse and fall and that Mommy would pick you up and carry you (you are too smart for your age little boy).

You love bath time (ezpecially with your sister). You love to eat everything. You love to be with Mommy or Daddy or Isabella at all times (especially Mommy).

They say all good things must come to an end and Mommy now has to return to work. Mommy will cherish all the memories we have made and look forward to new memories we will make together.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Trinidad and Tobago

In February/March, our family took a trip to Trinidad and Tobago to visit Mark's family and to introduce Gabriel to the extended family.