Sunday, March 28, 2010

Care Package from the Humphries

Thank you Uncle Scott, Auntie Chau and Malia for all the toys and clothes! My sister Isabella also loves playing with the toys.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dim Sum with the Aunties

Gabriel spent the morning charming all of mommy's girlfriends over dim sum. All he had to do was was give a grin. They were all impress with his hair.

Mommy's Little Man

Mommy's handsome little man enjoying his time on the swing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

Gabriel visited Dr. Fienstadt for a check-up because he has been sick for a while now. Despite his cold, he is growing and putting on weight.

Two more weeks and he will get his first set of immunization...

In the video, the doctor puts Gabriel on the scale. This time, his legs were hanging off the edge of the scale. I remember when his little body fit on the scale with room to spare.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Growth and Development

At his six weeks checkup, the doctor informed us that his weight and height were in the 70th to 75th percentile.

Now, one week shy of two months, he has outgrown all his 0-3 months onesies. we can't even button up the diaper area anymore as he is really long. Thankfully, Gabriel received hand-me-downs from his wonderful cousins Luke, Ian and Alec. We are prepared for this growth spurt!

As for development, he has a strong grip, advance visual perceptions, and a strong kick. Gabriel does not like his diaper to be wet or dirty. He will kick and complain to let us know it is time for a diaper change.

At about seven weeks old, Gabriel had his first roll over. I left him lying on his left side and when I turned around, I saw him lying on his belly. Fortunately, he has strong head and neck control!!!

Gabriel enjoys sleeping and can sleep undisturbed for 5 hours. I tried waking him up for a feeding but he was not interested.

Pop Quiz - Gabriel or Isabella?

Grandpa was showing some old videos of Isabella when she was only 2 months old and Isabella said, "Oh baby Gabriel laughing on TV". Mommy explained to Isabella that it was actually Isabella when she was just a baby.

Mommy already knew how closely they resembled each other... but after looking through Isabella's photos, Mommy thinks they could have been twins!

Can you identify the baby in each photo? Scroll to the bottom for the answer!



from left to right and top to bottom,

- newborn (2 days old) Isabella

- newborn (2 days old) Gabriel

- one week old Isabella

- one week old Gabriel

- one month old Gabriel

- one month old Isabella

What was your score out of 6?

Show and Tell at Daddy's Work

Gabriel and Isabella visited Daddy's work and met all the Engineers and support staff at MDA.

The common comments were:
- "very handsome baby, you guys make beautiful kids"
- "wow, he is big for seven weeks"
- "look at the hair on his head... so much hair"

All in all, it was a great visit which consisted of a couple of diaper changes, a few feedings, and lots of cuddles in between.

Isabella was wearing Daddy's access card and got us through all the secured areas. She was absolutely adorable... and not too shy today. She said hello and goodbye and even said "it was very nice to meet you".

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Random Moments of the First 50 Days

Day 1 - Happy Birthday Gabriel!

Day 2 - Be cute for the photographer

Day 4 - Home at last

Day 5 - Yawning

Day 5 - Sleeping

Day 6 - Reluctantly playing with my sister's doll

Day 8 - Gabriel's favorite thing to do... sleep

Day 8 - Gabriel's next favorite thing to do... stretch and make all kinds of funny faces and noises

Day 15 - Pooping face

Day 15 - Ahhh... I am done pooping face

Day 18 - Burping position

Day 20 - Just relaxing

Day 21 - Gabriel's big stretch

Day 22 - Sleeping peacefully next to Mommy

Day 28 - Hibernating again

Day 35 - Getting ready for baptism and Red Egg and Ginger party

Day 40 - Look mommy, my "I am innocent" face

Day 47 - Just ate... nai nai... me sleepy now

The Morning of Gabriel's Arrival

Gabriel Mark Aleong (aka Chunghito)

Gabriel Mark Aleong
January 29th, 2010 at two o'clock in the afternoon
BC Women's Hospital
6 pounds 14 ounces and 57 centemeters in length