Saturday, March 20, 2010

Growth and Development

At his six weeks checkup, the doctor informed us that his weight and height were in the 70th to 75th percentile.

Now, one week shy of two months, he has outgrown all his 0-3 months onesies. we can't even button up the diaper area anymore as he is really long. Thankfully, Gabriel received hand-me-downs from his wonderful cousins Luke, Ian and Alec. We are prepared for this growth spurt!

As for development, he has a strong grip, advance visual perceptions, and a strong kick. Gabriel does not like his diaper to be wet or dirty. He will kick and complain to let us know it is time for a diaper change.

At about seven weeks old, Gabriel had his first roll over. I left him lying on his left side and when I turned around, I saw him lying on his belly. Fortunately, he has strong head and neck control!!!

Gabriel enjoys sleeping and can sleep undisturbed for 5 hours. I tried waking him up for a feeding but he was not interested.

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